I admit that I do not “love” performing live. Sometimes when I weigh it all up, the negatives tip the balance. Maybe this has to do with me being half deaf and finding it tiresome to navigate loud environments, maybe I prefer the controlled environment of the recording studio. I don’t think it is because I am lazy, but there is a kernel of truth in that too. And we all know the state of the live music industry at the moment….It is hard for everyone involved financially.
Saying all this, I really did “love” performing my new album Red Gold at my two album launches in April. Maybe this is because I am very proud of the album and that I tried not to take it all too seriously, but took it serious enough to attempt to faithfully bring the album to life on stage.
I think we did pretty well, given the mix of organic folk songs, field recording and sound design in the production.
Joining me on stage were long time Cold Ghosters Daniel Booth (electric guitar) and Jake Morton (sensory drums and percussion). Jake was able to perform most of the sound design via his modified drums and also triggered samples on his laptop whilst Dan supported with textures and melodies, constantly tweaking his guitar fx.
My daughter Jonquil (vox and flutes) and son Banquo (key and vox) made wonderful additions to the band as well as my beautiful partner Bern who together worked hard to bring the album harmonies to the stage. My sister-in-law Anna filled in at the last minute for Jonquil who was sick for the gig in Brisbane. Thanks Aunty Anna.
At the HOTA launch on the Gold Coast my brother-in-law Ben works some visual magic with some of the footage we took during the project. I wish I saw more of it, but I was sort of distracted with the performing of the music. I love the various filters and hues he gave the images.
This is us on stage at It’s Still a Secret playing the last song off the album, Strange Brew, sans Jonquil, but with Anna.
There is a feeling of finality in launching an album, mostly because I can move on artistically and start writing more songs. But I do hope that this album survives the times as a piece of art. Connected to a place… an environment… a city….
I want to thank everyone who came along to the shows and who checked out the album. A special thanks to Lann and his daughter Kiara who welcomed the audience to HOTA and to the Nerang River (Ngarangwal) and together sung a beautiful song to connect us to country.
Hopefully we can find more ways to perform Red Gold for you again in the future.